Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alhamdulillah (Thanks be to God)

In the old city, narrow streets swayed
with movement as our feet dodged
cabs whizzing by. I followed
close behind the man who just tried
to sell me hash. I was not looking for
that kind of escape. Instead, I came searching
simply for dialogue. Our path led
up ancient steps through
a crude door. Inside his home, he smiled
and motioned us to sit
as his wife served us tea.

He asked me about celebrities
like Brittany Spears and President Bush.
“Are all Christians immoral?” He asked.
We exchanged our polar paradigms
politely as we sat drinking
unceasing amounts of
mint tea, known as Berber whiskey.
I tried to save Jesus from Pop Culture,
but he just wanted to know why
we did not care about Palestine.

© Gabriel Forsyth 2012

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